





  The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706 or IEC , BS , DIN and ICEA upon request




  The product is suitable for use in power distribution networks or fixed installations for industrial equipments with rated voltage up to and including 35KV.


  Operating characteristics

  1、 ● 額定電壓3.6/6KV~26/35KV交聯聚乙烯絕緣電力電纜

  XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U:3.6/6KV~26/35KV.

  ● 電纜導體的允許長期高工作溫度為90℃。

  Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃

  ● 短路時(長持續時間不超過5s)電纜導體的高溫度不超過250℃。

  Max.short-circuit temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250℃.(5s Max. Duration)

  ● 敷設電纜時環境溫度應不低于0℃。

  The bending radius of single-core cable shall not less than 20 times of the cable diameter

  The bending radius of three-cores cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter

  2、 ● 額定電壓0.6/1kv交聯聚乙烯絕緣電力電纜

  XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV

  ● 電纜導體的允許長期高工作溫度為90℃。

  Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 90℃

  ● 短路時(長持續時間不超過5s)電纜導體的高溫度不超過250 ℃

  Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed 250 ℃

  ● 敷設電纜時環境溫度應不低于0 ℃

  The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃

  ● 電纜彎曲半徑不小于電纜外徑15倍

  The bending radius of a cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter .

  3、 ● 額定電壓0.6/1KV聚氯乙烯絕緣電力電纜。

  PVC Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV

  ● 電纜導體的允許長期高工作溫度為70 ℃

  Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 70 ℃

  ● 短路時(長持續時間不超過5s)電纜導體高溫度不超過:160℃

  Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed :160℃

  ● 敷設電纜時環境溫度應不低于0 ℃

  The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃

  ● 電纜彎曲半徑不小于電纜外徑10倍

  The bending radius of a cable shall not be less than 10 times of the cable diameter.


  Voltage designation

  ● 電纜的額定電壓應適合于電纜使用系統的運行狀況,用Uo/U(Um)kv表示。




  The rated voltage of the cable for a given application shall be suitable for the operating conditions in the system in which the cable is used , and is expressed in the form Uo/U(Um)kv .


  Uo—The rated power-frequency voltage between conductor and screen or metallic-sheath , for which the cable designed;

  U — The rated power –frequency voltage between conductors , for which the cable designed ;

  Um—The maximum value of the “highest system voltage “ for which the equipment may be operated.

  注:第一類——用于單相接地故障時間每一次一般不大于1min, 亦可用于長不超過8h , 第年累計不超過125h 的系統。


  The first class cable-suitable for one single-phase earth-fault time does not exceed 1 min each time and Max.

  Time not exceed 8 hours , and not exceed 125 hours in all in one year.

  The second class cable suitable for more the earth-fault time and more better insulation performance

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